La revue Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry publie dans son volume 18, p. 175-197, un article intitulé « New discoveries and documentation of megalithic structes in Juffain dolmen archaeological field, Jordan ».
Les auteurs sont des archéologues de la Faculté d'archéologie et d'anthropologie de l'Université de Yarmouk, Irbid, soit Atef Shiyab et Wassef Al Sekheneh, ainsi que du département des sciences de la conservation de l'université Hashemite, soit Kennett Schath, Hussein Al-jarrah et Firas Alawneh.
Ci dessous le résumé anglais proposé par les auteurs :
The research presented here is about documentation, analysis and sharing new discoveries of Juffain megalithic field. Using Geographic information system (GIS) to produce topographical maps is the basis for the conservation and the development of a Dolmen Heritage Park. A previous survey with Perugia University, was performed in 2016, which provide insight about the high density of megalithic structures and study of structure distribution. While collecting data for a topographical map, of the structural types there are two different categories, single and centers. Single structures are those that stand alone they are, D, Dolmens; TU, Tumulus; T, Tomb; PA – Patio, W – Wall, CA – Cave, CIS - Cistern, S – Silo, P – Press, QS – Quarry Stone, C – Circle and SS – Standing Stone. Five major stunning discoveries relating to the dolmen culture is found. In rank of Importance, here are the discoveries: (1) borders and boundaries, show that each of the dolmen groups stand alone, (2) domestic meeting places point to a sedentary society, (3) quarries and cup hole centers demonstrate a high scale of distribution of central places, and (4) ritualistic centers indicates a higher level of human relationship. (5) New 54 new dolmens were identified. Furthermore, ceramic typology identified 7 major pottery types with an additional 3 minor types. Understanding dolmen types and the megalithic structures related to them was attained using a holistic approach. Our study of the six types (1, 2, 3,/…6) is revisited with the result of the Six basic principles lead to the certain association of social groups, most likelyclans at Juffain.
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